
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Right Hand: All Major and Relative Minor key scales

The complete scales are too much to put an image, so this is PDF download only.  Also, instead of merely creating the scale of each key, I wanted to create something that covered all the possible notes from a key - so each "scale" is actually "all of the notes from the given key possible while pressing/drawing".

In some keys, there is a full two octaves, in some keys, just one octave.  With each complete key given, you can also see the notes possible for the relative minor [Every major key/scale has a relative minor key/scale, in which the minor key has the same key signature and uses the same notes as the major key.  To identify the relative minor, find the sixth note of the scale, or go two notes lower from the root of the major scale.  Thus, for C Major, the relative minor is A minor].

Although I have the scales for all the keys, I don't yet know how easy they are to play, or what the fingering should be for them all.  In addition, as music is typically written around the IV, V, and I chords (or the circle of fourths/fifths), it is very typical that a certain key will usually be in the draw direction or in the press direction.  As long as the writers of the music stick to a certain convention of which keys usually go which direction, and the music doesn't stray too far from the accepted chord progressions, you can get by with a very small number of keys and chords.

The most common keys are sharp keys.  Actually, in the pile of music I have, I was unable to find a single song in a flat key - so the keys to concentrate on first are G, D, and A.

The most common draw direction keys appear to be: C, D, and B-flat.
The most common press direction keys appear to be: G, A, E, and F.

You can see that the combinations of press and draw form pairs and trios: C-G-D, G-D-A, D-A-E, and even F-C-G, and B-flat-F-C, all of which follow the circle of fifths/fourths.

Anyway, a short sheet with the scales above can be found at the Czech Area Concertina Club website, along with other commonly used material.  I encourage you to take advantage of that!

The complete scales can be downloaded as a PDF:
Right Hand Major and Relative Minor scales
Left Hand Major and Relative Minor scales

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