
Friday, March 21, 2014

76 Easy Songs in G Major for Right Hand

Once you are somewhat proficient in the key of G, your brain will need something more interesting to keep it focused on learning to play.

For this, I have gathered together a [mostly proofread] list of easy and familiar songs all in the key of G with no "accidental" sharps or flats or naturals outside the key of G.  Practicing these in conjunction with the "additional etudes" will lead to greater proficiency.

I'm sure you know a few of these....

All of these songs are "single note" melodies, by which I mean that the Right Hand is only playing with one finger at a time.

Most concertina music plays chords with the right hand fingers as well as with the left hand.  However, to promote reading regular music without using the button numbers, I think it is better to learn to play just a single line at a time, and perhaps add the left hand in under the single line, and start adding "right hand harmony" later on.

I have not indicated any direction for press and draw with this music.  Rather, the student should strive to be able to play the above music in either direction, and then experiment with changing the directions in the middle of the music.  I will give a hint here and say that the music will 99% of the time be "press" when in a G Major chord and "draw" when in the D Dominant chord, due to the difficulty of playing those two chords in the opposite direction [for the left hand].

Please refer to the "Learn to Play" page for more exercises and songs.

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